Thursday, April 26, 2012

Who am I not to cry?

A friend once told me not to attach myself on anything that needs to go because everything in this world is not permanent, all I have to do is to love it while I have it, well, she has a point and it’s nice but in my case, I guess I will have a hard time practicing that in real life.

These past few months, I’ve managed to create some blog posts about how I appreciate my college friends/classmates and I already made a dozen of status updates about the same topic…I know, people were already annoyed with this drama of mine, so I asked myself once: am I over reacting about things?...I hope not. I should realize by now that I can't just ask everyone to bear with me.

As my assessment explain things to me, I reckon that maybe the reasons why I’m acting this way is that I made a solid attachment with these people, so now I’m having a hard time letting them go. I am aware that CHANGE is an inevitable part of our life, and that CHANGE seems to be the only permanent thing on Earth, I know as well that I can’t be a college student forever and that the same people can’t always be by my side but despite of these knowledge I can’t just pretend that I am not affected…

I’ve been with these people for almost four years, three weeks in a month, four days a week, and at least four to five hours a day, they are more than friends to me; I’ve already considered them as a family…with these people is my comfort zone, when I’m with them I can be who I am, I can do the things I want because I know that whatever foolish acts I’ve done and whatever stupid ideas I made, they will never judge me. These people make me feel that I am ACCEPTED.

So who am I not to cry? *sigh*

…well this is LIFE, people come, people go, one door close, another window open, sun rises, sun sets, we cry, we smile, we laugh, we deny, we accept, we hate, we forgive, we doubt, we trust, we fall, we stand, and most of all we LOVE…which make this LIFE even more colorful and sweeter.

Another friend also told me that having dramas in life isn’t bad as long as you do not stay on that level forever and she said, maybe I am just passing the so called five stages of grief, and that I am now on the depression stage…natawa lang ako ^_^ (ang gulo ko ‘di ba?…haaaaaay)

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